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Aqaba Inner Space, provides horse riders, with a very unique, hassle-free, comprehensive experience.

Our professional team members will take care of all your trip small details, from the moment entering Jordan, until your departure. During your trip, meet and assist, transportation, accommodation, meals, catering, logistics, will be arranged and organized in a very professional way by our special crew. If you are accompanied with your horses, then it is our pleasure to excite and delight them as well!

Our special riding trails, are designed carefully to meet and exceed your expectations and to provide you with an exciting and full of sweet memories and adventure. Simulating the ancient trails of the Nabateans and Laurence of Arabia and telling you much about the history of Jordan and the region, through a selective sites and points of camping and activities, in addition to the ability to customize a special riding trail to meet and suit any special requests. Our Guests and their horses, health, hygiene, safety and security, is a high priority and concern to us.

You will find a good horse for you fitting with your riding experience.
The horses in Jordan are not that tall. They are strong and middle size. For riding these horses you weight should be maximum 80 kg.

Wild in the desert
Enjoy an adventures ride on Arabian horses through Jordan jewel trails.

Each Package Has The Name Of One OF Our Horses.

Unleash your inner space
take a deep breath and fly wild on extraordinary ride among the golden dunes of Jordan deserts

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