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About Aqaba Inner Space
Aqaba Inner Space was born in 2017 and initially the intent of the company was to support the achievement of Adnan Nassrat, a young local professional scuba diver, in his quest to break the world record of 144 hours spent underwater.

After the achievement of the objective, seeing the positive response from the public, we did not want to stop and the current project began when we decided to expand the company to a wider audience by leveraging the ten-year experience of the founders in the tourism sector.

We had the opportunity to combine the different passions and experiences of our team members with our common love for Jordan, organizing tours that contain different adventure tourism activities such as horseback riding, scuba diving, climbing, hiking and much more.

With Aqaba Inner Space we want to provide travelers the opportunity to discover all that Jordan has to offer, following their passions and experiencing unforgettable adventures, fully respecting the natural heritage and immersing themselves in the local culture.

Our Vision:
To become a Pioneer by opening the Space for any New, Creative, unique, and promising Idea, and to be a leader providing a special, customized, and comprehensive adventure tourism services.

Our Services:
Providing our Guest with an extra-ordinary special and customized, tourism experience, where all the small details of their trips are taking care of, through a professional crew.

Our Specialties:

  • Horse riding, and horses related activities.
  • Transportation
  • Diving.

Our experience:
We have the experience of a distinguished team of highly competent and qualified services with high quality and professionalism.

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